How to Handle Medical School Rejection Depression
No one likes rejection. Not even those that seemingly let it roll off their backs. But when it comes to having your application to a medical school being rejected, it can be particularly difficult to deal with.
Medical school rejection depression can set in because of the nature of your pursuit of a medical career. It’s been something you’ve thought for a long time. Perhaps the only career path you’ve ever considered. It’s a calling more than a choice.
In the case of medical school applications, you also need to do a lot of work even before you submit one. You’ve done your undergraduate work. You’ve researched medical schools and chosen the one you want to attend most.
Then you get a rejection letter.
Four Ways to Manage Medical School Rejection Depression
That rejection letter doesn’t just say you can’t attend the school of your choice. It can make you wonder if you’ll ever enjoy a career in medicine, or if medicine is the right career for you. So the impact of that rejection letter can put you through an emotional wringer.
Here are just a few ways to help you cope with medical school rejection depression.
- Let it Happen – If you feel particularly affected by a rejection letter, fighting your feelings may be counterproductive. Instead, let the feelings happen. If you just want to lie in bed all day, then lie in bed all day. Give yourself time to figure out your feelings.
- Think About Why You’re Pursuing a Career in Medicine – Yes, you want to become a doctor. But it’s not an easy process for anyone. It takes real passion and perseverance. If there are other career options that you are drawn to, or if you’re pursuing medicine for the wrong reasons, like trying to please your parents, then your road to a medical degree will more difficult than most.
- Think About Your Application Strategy – Is there anything in your application that you can improve? Maybe if you increase your GPA or MCAT scores, it would help.
Also, consider how your entire application comes across to a reviewer. The presentation is important.
Finally, try to learn as much as you can about why your application was rejected. Don’t be afraid to call the medical school that rejected it and ask how you can make it better.
- Give Your Application More Chance of Success – Everyone who wants to be a doctor wants to attend the best and/or most recognized medical schools in the country. But, if you want to get your medical school education on track, you may need to consider options.
First, if you set your sights on only one or two schools, you only have one or two chances of success. To increase your chances of success, apply to more than one or two schools.
Second, if you limit your applications to schools only in your country, you will also limit your chances of success. When a rejection letter makes you feel like you’ll never be a doctor, look for ways to make it happen, like applying to Caribbean medical schools.
UMCAS simplifies the application process and makes it easier to apply to many Caribbean medical schools. Please visit our website to learn more and find out how it works.